During the past Annual Meetings, the North Dakota Petroleum Council recognized members of the industry who demonstrated excellence in safety, community engagement, and environmental stewardship.
Our industry takes pride in working to find new ways to become better, cleaner, more efficient and overall, a good neighbor. We have recognized our members for their great achievements over the years with the following awards. Below is a list of past winners from our community.
Excellence in Environmental Stewardship
Recognizes a company or individual showing commitment to environmental stewardship through the deployment of technology, efforts or initiatives that contribute to a cleaner environment and/or smaller operational footprint.
Marathon Oil was awarded Excellence in Environmental Stewardship for their LEAF (Lowest Emitting Automated Facility).
In February 2022, consistent with the objective to help successfully meet the global energy demand, Marathon Oil set new, aggressive near, medium, and long-term goals for critical environmental performance metrics, including its methane intensity, GHG intensity, and annual gas capture percentage. These objectives are intended to help drive strong environmental performance, promote transparency and accountability, and enhance internal alignment and employee innovation.
To meet these environmental performance metrics the Marathon production facilities team engineered a new facility design, the Lowest Emitting automated Facility (“LEAF”). LEAF is a step change in oil facility design and operational philosophy that is groundbreaking for emissions reductions, provides enhanced facility safety, and allows operational flexibility with greater levels of reliability complemented with easier operations. As Marathon continues to introduce the LEAF design into more locations within the Williston Basin, they expect it will continue to exceed expectations for performance and reliability.
Enerplus was awarded Excellence in Environmental Stewardship for thier Emission Reduction Budget.
In 2020, Enerplus released its inaugural ESG Report and disclosed a new path towards environmental excellence. This 2020 ESG Report announced their goal of establishing an internal Emissions Reduction Budget that supported employee-generated emission reduction initiatives. From these initial meetings, five projects were chosen and executed in 2021 leading to a reduction of over 17,000 metric Tons CO2e. To date in 2022, seven projects have been executed creating an estimated year-end reduction of nearly 200,000 metric Tons CO2e.
As an organization striving to reduce its own emissions and environmental footprint, Enerplus understands that it is the company’s responsibility to create transparency with new and innovative technologies that promote a sustainable energy future. Through the Emission Reduction Budget, Enerplus has increased awareness with all employees and is now driving the innovation the world wants to see, supporting the belief that this is a global challenge to be tackled collectively. North American-produced oil and gas is the most environmentally friendly on the planet.
Crusoe Energy Systems was awarded the Excellence in Environmental Stewardship for its Digital Flare Mitigation technology.
Crusoe’s objective with Digital Flare Mitigation was to help operators solve the regulatory and environmental challenges of stranded gas.
Crusoe converts “stranded” natural gas into electricity for energy intensive computing at the well site.
Digital Flare Mitigation® (“DFM”) solves critical regulatory and environmental challenges for oil and gas companies by achieving beneficial use, reducing flaring, and lowering emissions.
The Digital Flare Mitigation® system is a mobile and modular assembly of power generation, computing and remote telecommunications components optimized specifically for stranded gas resources.
Relative to flaring, Crusoe’s Digital Flare Mitigation® technology achieves deep reductions in emissions of methane, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), nitrogen oxides (NO x ), carbon monoxide (CO), smog forming compounds and CO 2 equivalent greenhouse gasses. This is a valuable contribution to our industry’s environmental goals, filling a need where traditional midstream infrastructure might not be feasible.
The Environmental Stewardship Award was given to Savage Services, for their Trenton Railport. The Savage Services Trenton Railport has implemented a waste minimization process during the transfer of hydrochloric acid from railcar to truck. By implementing this process, Trenton minimizes the generation of hazardous waste and the costs associated with disposal of scrubber water.
2018: GTUIT
GTUIT was honored for its work to capture flares and reduce emissions in the Bakken. Three engineers founded GTUIT because they realized that flaring in the Bakken was a waste of resources and an unnecessary source of air pollution. GTUITs equipment processes gas that would otherwise be flared and uses it to replace diesel fuel in other parts of the well pad operation. GTUIT and their partner Hess have been recognized by the World Bank for their work in global gas flaring reduction. GTUIT has also expanded to the Middle East and South America to help address the flaring issues there.
Targa Resources was recognized for its work to advance the treatment of crude oil impacted soils through microbial enhanced bioremediation. Through its pilot program, Targa has taken great strides to substantiate bioremediation as an applicable and effective means of remediation. Targa’s investment of time, money and resources has shown measurable success and may provide a sustainable alternative to traditional landfill disposal for the oil and gas industry across the state of North Dakota. This alternative would be a more cost-effective approach for the industry and would provide other long-term benefits including a reduction of waste and the preservation of native soils.
Excellence in Community Engagement
Recognizes a company or individual that embodies the spirit of community by working to build better relations between the industry and community and inspire others to do the same.
Hess Corporation is recognized for their Tribal College Apprenticeship Program.
Social responsibility is one of the core values at Hess. In the wake of the civil unrest in the summer of 2020, Hess established a DE&I task force to evaluate company practices related to diversity. One result of the various subcommittees of the task force was a realization that Hess had room to improve on investing in underserved communities in the areas it operates. Over the following months, Hess identified an education opportunity with Native American communities through the state’s five tribal colleges. After nearly
nineteen months of collaboration with the tribal colleges, the College Apprenticeship Program (TCAP) was created.
The program provides tuition assistance, stipends and other support for establishing apprenticeships in various industries designed by each of the state’s tribal colleges. Each tribal college will design its own apprenticeship program, based on the local job market and needs of their tribal communities. Interest in the program is high, with more than one hundred individuals representing the Tribal College System, Tribal Councils, state officials, and private citizens in attendance at the media event announcing the program.
Marathon Petroleum Corporation was awarded Excellence in Community Engagement for their Commuity Investment Strategy.
Marathon Petroleum’s and MPLX’s community investment strategy is centered around strengthening communities and helping improve lives. Their impact is made even more robust through the personal commitments and talents of the employees. From pitching in at fundraising events, to sharing career insights with high school students, to serving on boards of higher education centers, to providing much needed support at family crisis centers, the MPC team contributed nearly 2,000 volunteer hours in North Dakota from 2018 through 2021.
They are particularly proud of their meaningful impact in the workforce development and public education arenas. Of their overall community investments between 2018 and 2021, they contributed more than $1.1 million to organizations focused on strengthening youth education and promoting career development. They believe their community engagement program is most effective when their monetary contributions are united with their employees’ energy and dedication.
Together, they provide energy solutions that enhance life’s possibilities, while their community investments and employee engagement contribute to building more effective educational programs and promoting career aspirations throughout North Dakota.
Continental Resources received the 2021 Excellence in Community Engagement Award for its Funding the Future Grant Program.
Since 2013, Continental has awarded grants to fund science, technology, engineering, mathematics and reading initiatives in K-12 schools in North Dakota and other states where the company operates.
Since the program’s inception in 2013 Continental has awarded more than $500,000 in Funding the Future Grants helping nearly 150 schools across North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota and Montana.
Last year, $15,000 in Funding the Future grants were awarded to six North Dakota schools, including:
- Williston High School – to expand a first-of-its kind petroleum program by purchasing equipment to introduce students to possible careers in the oilfield.
- Dickinson Public Schools – to purchase Classroom Evobot kits, to be shared across the six elementary schools in the Dickinson district.
- McKenzie County Public Schools – to purchase STEM Project Leads The Way VEX kits for its elementary schools.
- Alexander Public Schools – to implement the TEALS, Technology Education and Literacy in Schools, program in Alexander High School.
- Divide County High School – to increase 21st century skills and technology literacy by providing students with opportunities to use STEM tools.
- Stanley Community Schools – to assist in creating a STEM science class that is open to high school students.
Continental established its Funding the Future grant program to fund innovative and engaging educational programs that nurture students with the educational resources they need to grow into future leaders. As you see from the examples just mentioned, North Dakota teachers have excelled in carrying out this mission – and in return North Dakota, and the oil and gas industry will benefit.
Hess was given the Excellence in Community Engagement Award. In the past five years, Hess has invested approximately $30 million on community initiatives to strengthen education, workforce development, health and human services as well as support for disaster relief. In 2018, Hess invested approximately $1 million and supported over 40 local community organizations. In 2019, Hess delivered over 8,000 Hess Toy Trucks and STEM kits to every elementary school in North Dakota. They also brought STEM day to Ramstad Middle School in Minot, including hands on STEM demonstrations.
ConocoPhillips was honored for its Bakken Leadership Roundtable, education and philanthropy. ConocoPhillips started the Bakken Leadership Roundtable to educate community leaders. They also conduct targeted operation tours to educate teachers, students, government officials, and community members. The Ambassador Program was created to educate employees on communicating about the industry. Finally, ConocoPhillips has awarded over $270,000 in grants to 14 organizations across the Bakken and employees are encouraged to participate in efforts like the Angel Tree Program and Pick up the Patch.
Crestwood was recognized for the company’s extraordinary commitment to building better relations between the industry and community. Among the company’s major contributions was a pledge to donate $1 million to the Head Start Facility in Mandaree, North Dakota. This donation will go far in helping the community complete this project and provide educational programs for low-income children, as well as comprehensive health, nutrition and parent involvement services. Crestwood has also been a steadfast supporter of several community events that are established traditions within the community. Among them is the Mandaree Pow Wow Celebration, the Ray Youth Rodeo and Fun Nights, and Epping’s Buffalo Trail Days. In addition, the company has started new traditions, including the Crestwood Halloween Party in Epping and the West Segment Thanksgiving Dinner, which is prepared and served by Crestwood Arrow employees to more than 600 people.
Excellence in Safety
Recognizes a company that has gone above and beyond to create a culture of safety in the workplace.
Jon Maristuen, GO Wireline was awarded Excellence in Safety for his commitment to safety for over 40 years.
Jon’s career started in the electrical trades where he progressed to Master Electrician. As a Master Electrician, his life literally depended on safe practices that he followed every day.
Prior to joining GO Wireline, Jon was responsible for maintenance operations at Mercy Hospital. In this position Jon learned to manage SOPs for a large healthcare facility and navigate a challenging regulatory bureaucracy. His role was vital to the work of the hospital in saving lives and treating the sick.
At GO Wireline, Jon led the implementation of the cloud based HSE management system, which in turn greatly increased employee engagement with HSE. In 2022, alone, Go Wireline’s team completed 2,355 lessons with an average test score of 92%, while spending and average of 34 minutes per lesson. Jon has personally trained hundreds of people in Safeland, H2S, and other trainings. In 2022, Jon partnered with TrainND on developing a wireline crane certification not just for GO Wireline, but for the good of the industry, that provided more relevant training and certification to the wireline crane work being performed on locations. Jon was also responsible for leading GO Wireline through 16 months of being injury free from 2022 into 2023, and helping reduce GO’s TRIR score every year since 2020.
Jon is a leader outside of work in his community. He has served as the chairman of his church and taught Sunday School for many years. Jon became involved in WASA shortly after entering the oilfield. He has progressed to leading that organization as Chairman while guiding safety professionals from in and outside the energy industry.
Jon has transformed GO Wireline’s safety program and culture with his character and genuine care for the lives of its employees. Jon’s ability to sell safety to the many men and women he interacts with every day and see them buy in to his message makes him an outstanding candidate for this award.
Denbury Inc. was awarded Excellence in Safety for their CCA CO2 Installation Project.
Denbury has always strived to create a culture that truly believes in “Zero Incidents”. In 2021, Denbury completed the CCA CO2 Pipeline Installation Project, which included the installation of over 130 miles of pipe across Montana and North Dakota. At the project’s peak activity, there were as many as 750 contractors working for Denbury and it was conducted during an extreme drought, which presented significant fire risks and exposure to heat-related illnesses. In addition, the pipeline crossed over 400 other pipelines and flowlines, some owned by Denbury and many other foreign crossings.
Denbury took measures including project planning, contractor selection, pipeline construction inspectors onboarding, line locating plan, fire mitigation plan, and HSE orientation to complete this project safely.
Once the project ended and all the Key Performance Indicators were tallied, it was determined that over 600,000 manhours were worked on the CCA CO2 Pipeline Installation Project without a single OSHA recordable injury. In addition, the project resulted in over 1,500 safety conversations and hazard observations being performed and submitted into Denbury’s “Zero by Choice” Reporter tool. This is a perfect example of how “Zero Incidents” is achievable if we CHOOSE to follow safety processes and procedures and commit to the “Zero by Choice” culture.
2021: ONEOK
ONEOK received the 2021 Excellence in Safety Award for its behavioral-based safety program.
After an initial training with 400+ employees, Site Champions were selected to lead individual teams of 10-15 employees. These teams identified 2-3 “pinpoints” (behaviors) to monitor. Pinpoints were required to meet the SMORS criteria—safe, measured, observable, reliable, and specific.
Employees mark pinpoints “safe” or “at risk” daily, and Site Champions meet with teams weekly to review pinpoint progress.
A teams’ pinpoint changes when they reach 100% “safe” competency for a pre-determined amount of time (usually one month), and the team receives a celebratory item.
The program has helped transform the organization’s safety and health culture by providing employees a platform to present at-risk conditions / issues to front-line supervision and management for review and subsequent action.
This change is evidenced by an increase in dialogue at all levels of the organization, employee engagement, and year-over-year reduction in Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR). Employees at all levels of the organization have been pulled together to become ONE.
At ONEOK the safety and health of employees is not viewed as a priority that can be shifted when a competing priority comes into play. Instead, it is viewed as an uncompromising value that is key to organizational success.
2019: Fortis Energy Services
Fortis Energy Services, Inc. was given the Excellence in Safety Award for its safety program and technology. The technology provides each employee a way to receive instant notifications and upload their own observations where they can be instantly reviewed. Understanding how and why an incident occurs is critical to understanding the cause or causes. Since the implementation of this technology, Fortis has seen a 75% reduction in the total recordable incident rate.
The industry typically uses lagging indicators to analyze safety incidents. Denbury knew they needed to focus on leading indicators to improve their safety program so they created the Zero by Choice Reporting Tool. This app allows employees to submit leading indicators they observe on the job site in real time. Submissions are reported so corrective action can be taken. Zero by Choice empowers Denbury to assess where additional training, resources, or equipment might be needed and engages more personnel on safety issues.
Enerplus was recognized for designing and implementing an automated tank gauging process at six of its wells that eliminated the need for workers to manually gauge and retrieve samples of oil from storage tanks. This pilot project was conducted in cooperation with the U.S. Bureau of Land Management and has generated exceptional results over more than year-long test period. BLM has been very pleased with the accuracy of the results and supportive of our efforts to improve worker safety, as well as more precise measurement. This project could be the first step in eliminating manual tank gauging and sampling industry wide, and Enerplus’ investment in this process could very well prevent potential health risks and even fatalities in the future.
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