ONE BASIN- One Way! is a standardized safety orientation program that was developed by Producers and Contractors in the Bakken for Contractors that work in the Bakken. This training will provide a North Dakota based viewpoint on the hazards found in the Williston Basin.
Standardized safety orientation for 13 producer and processing partners.
Save hundreds of manhours by eliminating duplicative orientations.
More than 50 prominent safety topics covered.
Easy and centralized management, tracking and certification system.
Courses offered throughout the Bakken and online.
Your One-Stop Shop for Safety Training
ONE BASIN-One Way! is an orientation program that covers safety orientation for all participating Williston Basin producers. This will eliminate the need for contractors to sit through hours of orientations at every site where they work.
Safety Curriculum
Curriculum designed to raise safety awareness on over forty critical topics, plus other North Dakota-specific job hazards that are not covered by traditional orientation programs.
Online Management
Access to ProCertX, a cloud-based platform offering management, tracking, and verification of employee training, credentials, and certificates.
Bakken-Specific Topics
Emphasis on job hazards common in the upper Midwest, including extreme cold temperatures, windy conditions, and road and highway congestion.
News & Updates
Receive safety updates, alerts, and developments from participating producers and partners, including the ND DOT, ND Safety Council, TrainND and others.
Signing your company and employees up for ONE BASIN-One Way! is easy. Just follow these steps:
Request an account
Create student profiles
Begin registering students
Our Prices
Base Rate
ONE BASIN – One Way! is open to all companies and includes course workbook, personal badge and access to ProCertX software for reporting and recording of individual Safety Records.
$185 per trainee
NDPC Member Rate
North Dakota Petroleum Council members receive a $25 discount per trainee with full orientation, including workbook, personal badge and access to ProCertX software for reporting and recording of individual safety records.
$160 per trainee
Many producers require contractors to attend company-developed orientation every year. In 2018, an estimated 32,000 contractors attended orientations for the 28 producers who hired them. Many contractors sat through the same information 4-8 times during the year. By standardizing the orientation curriculum across the Basin, contractors only have to sit through one orientation which means they save manhours. And, this also means employees are receiving comprehensive and consistent training for several vendors across the board.
ProCertX, a value-added solution that is scalable, modern, and cloud-based was chosen as the ONE BASIN– One Way!® training and certification platform.
ProCertX centralizes the management, tracking, and verification of employee training, credentials, and certificates. In addition to ensuring individuals are current with necessary training and certification, ProCertX allows you to:
Consolidate participant profiles and certificates in one place.
Replace paper certificates and hard hat stickers with a single program ID badge (smart card).
Save time with instant virtual issuance of earned certificates.
Immediately verify work site access authorization.
Quickly identify the right workers and subcontractors for a job.
Pro-actively receive notification of required re-certification or training.
Efficiently forecast and schedule required training.
Gain real-time visibility of training and certification program compliance.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is ONE BASIN – One Way!?
It is a standardized contractor safety orientation program for the oil and gas industry in North Dakota.
Why is ONE BASIN – One Way! safety first?
The ONE BASIN – One Way! Orientation curriculum is designed to raise safety awareness on over forty critical topics PLUS focus on a number of North Dakota-specific job hazards that are not covered by traditional orientation programs. Statistics indicate that more than fifty percent of ND industry safety incidences are transportation-related, ONE BASIN – One Way! orientation places particular emphasis on transportation safety awareness in our state.
Why was ONE BASIN - One Way! started?
In 2018, an estimated 32,000 contractors attended orientations for each producer who hired them. Many contractors sat through the same information 4 – 8 times during the year. By standardizing the orientation curriculum across the Basin, contractors must only sit through an orientation one time in a given period, which means saved manhours. ND has a workforce shortage. One orientation per year provides the necessary safety awareness and reduces 1.25 million lost manhours sitting in redundant orientations.
How long is the course?
Four hours will be required to complete the safety orientation including 40+ vital safety topics. Your ONE BASIN – One Way! ID Card will allow you to work on facilities of all the producers who participate.
How often do I need to take ONE BASIN- One Way! orientation classes?
The ONE BASIN– One Way! Orientation class is a four-hour classroom with instructor style orientation covering 40+ vital safety topics. This certification will never expire.
Your certifications are automatically connected to your profile upon scanning out of orientation, meaning you can go straight back to work with your badge and be able to work on locations of all the producers who participate.
Where will ONE BASIN – One Way!? orientation take place and who will be instructors?
Orientation will be held at 7+ locations across North Dakota including Williston, Dickinson, Minot, Tioga, Watford City, Bismarck and Fargo. It will be taught by TrainND NW in Williston and by the North Dakota Safety Council across the rest of North Dakota.
Who can attend ONE BASIN – One Way! orientation?
All contract employees across the Williston Basin are welcome to attend.
Chord Energy, Crestwood Midstream, Devon Energy, Enerplus, Grayson Mill Energy, Hess Corporation, Hunt Oil, Kraken Oil & Gas, NESET, NewKota Services & Rentals, ONEOK, Inc., SandPro, and XTO Energy have become the ONE BASIN– One Way! Safety First Partners with more to join.
How much does ONE BASIN – One Way! orientation cost?
ONE BASIN – One Way! regular price is $185/attendee and includes the ONE BASIN – One Way! workbook, personal badge and access to ProCertX software for reporting and recording of individual safety records.
NDPC members receive a $25/attendee discount with full orientation prices of $160/attendee, including workbook, personal badge and access to ProCertX software for reporting and recording of individual safety records.