About OBOW
ONE BASIN-One Way!® is an orientation program that covers safety orientation for all participating Williston Basin producers. This will eliminate the need for contractors to sit through hours of orientations at every site where they work. Simplifying what contractors need to learn will also lead to a better understanding of the rules and guidelines at all sites, safer work practices, and fewer injuries.
By consolidating these individual programs into one program delivering approximately fifty prominent safety topics, the ONE BASIN–One Way! program will deliver a robust safety orientation while concentrating on improving the overall industry safety record.
This standardized curriculum puts particular emphasis on job hazards that occur in the upper Midwest due to extreme cold temperatures, windy conditions, and road and highway congestion all designed to elevate awareness of North Dakota and Montana risks to the employee.
Many producers require contractors to attend company developed orientation every year. In 2018, an estimated 32,000 contractors attended orientations for the 28 producers who hired them. Many contractors sat through the same information 4-8 times during the year. By standardizing the orientation curriculum across the Basin, contractors only have to sit through one orientation which means they save manhours.

The North Dakota Safety Council (NDSC) is a private non-profit whose mission is to reduce injuries and save lives through effective training techniques in a diverse lineup of courses. The NDSC provides training all across the region utilizing multiple full- and part-time safety consultants. The NDSC has a proven track record with standardized safety training due to its work with the Energy Coalition for Contractor Safety (ECCS).

TrainND Northwest is a training organization with a mission to provide North Dakota with a safe and highly skilled workforce. TrainND NW is located in Williston, ND, and is powered by Williston State College. They have a proven track record of delivering contractor orientations and building custom trainings. TrainND has multiple trainers on staff with a passion for safety and a wealth of experience in the oil & gas industry.

Diamond B has an office in Fargo, ND with a large presence in the Bakken. They developed a software platform called ProCertX which was built specifically for the training and certification challenges subcontractors and producers face. ProCertX delivers value-added solutions that reduce administrative workload through a highly scalable, modern, cloud-based solution.